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Medical Staff

The 180 committed Medical Staff at Seven Oaks General Hospital are skilled medical practitioners with a wide range of expertise. This allows the hospital to offer almost everything medically except pediatrics, childbirth and surgery.

Physicians at Seven Oaks work in

  • Family Medicine including family practice, internal medicine, oncology and dialysis
  • Geriatrics in both Day Hospital and in-patient units
  • Specialty Care (Urgent Care, Observation)

The Medical Staff at Seven Oaks are complemented by family medicine residents in training at the Kildonan Medical Centre, a family medicine clinic, based at the hospital.

The key to viability as a community hospital is maintaining committed medical staff that have admitting privileges at the hospital. To that end, the management and medical staff work together to identify needs and priorities. In order to keep the relationship productive, the Seven Oaks General Hospital Medical Advisory Committee brings together senior management with the President of the Medical Staff and Heads of various medical departments.

Chief Medical Officer – Dr.  Kathryn Glazner

Medical Department Heads

  • Urgent Care – Dr. R. Bohemier , Site Manager
  • Family Medicine – Dr. K. Appel, Site Medical Director
  • Rehabilitation/Geriatrics – Dr. T. Panaskevich, Service Chief
  • Internal Medicine – Dr. S. Cleghorn, Site Medical Director
  • Radiology – Dr. A. Cassano-Baily Site Medical Manager

Patients wishing to contact their physician for follow-up questions or care should contact them at their individual office practices.

Patients seeking a family physician should contact the Family Doctor Finder operated by Manitoba Health and the Manitoba College of Family Physicians at 204-786-7111.