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Working for Seven Oaks

We’re currently recruiting for nurses, physicians, allied health professionals and support workers and have a lot to offer someone who wants more than a job.

See the positions currently available at Seven Oaks.

Make Seven Oaks your career home if you want to work to high professional standards and put patients first in everything you do. We are Winnipeg’s busiest community hospital with a high performing Urgent Care Centre and in-patient beds in Medicine and Geriatric Rehabilitation.

Seven Oaks offers outpatient physical rehabilitation, Day Hospital, Oncology and we’re a provincial hub and center of excellence for kidney health. We’re also a Canadian leader in integrating illness prevention and health promotion with our award winning medical fitness facility the Wellness Institute.

We support our workforce with programs for work life balance, health and fitness, including incentives for programs at the Wellness Institute.

We have a strong focus on quality and safety and a commitment to be a change agent to improve health care and the health status of our community.

Seven Oaks is part of the Winnipeg Health Region. Pay and benefits are standardized (and portable) across the region and all employment opportunities for the region, including at Seven Oaks are posted online. Applications are received online only, please.

For more information please contact Human Resource Services at 204-632-3162.

We’re accepting resumes from nursing students interested in working as Health Care Aides

To be qualified for a Health Care Aide position at Seven Oaks General Hospital, certain courses within your nursing program are required to be completed. Please review the required courses as it pertains to your post-secondary institution.

If you qualify and are interested in a HCA opportunity, please send a copy of your transcript and your resume to our Human Resources Consultant