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Safety & Security

Helping To Prevent Infection

When you are admitted to hospital or other places of care, you are exchanging the familiar surroundings of home to share a unit with other people. You may be more vulnerable to infection because of your illness, medication or surgery.

You and your visitors can help prevent the spread of infection by:

  • Always washing and drying your hands after visiting the washroom
  • Using hand sanitizer provided before and after eating and taking medications
  • Not touching wounds or any devices (i.e. drip catheters) inserted in your body
  • Keeping the space around you tidy so staff can clean
  • Asking your visitors to clean their hands when entering or leaving the unit
  • Everyone should remember to cover our coughs by using the crook of the elbow. And visitors should stay away if they are ill.

Alcohol & Drugs

Possession and consumption of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs is prohibited on hospital grounds.

Emergency Drills

For everyone’s protection, Seven Oaks Hospital frequently conducts fire and/or disaster drills. If a drill occurs, please remain in the room and do not become alarmed. The door to the room will be closed during the drill as part of our procedure. Fire protection systems are in place throughout the hospital and staff are trained in fire protection procedures.

Fragrance Free

Please do not wear perfume, cologne or aftershave while you are a patient in a WRHA facility. If you can, remind visitors before they come to see you to refrain from wearing these products with strong scents. Some people are highly allergic to fragrance ingredients, and can suffer severe reactions.

Patient Identification Bracelets

Your patient ID bracelet states your name, date of birth, age, gender, attending physician’s name, admission date, room and bed number and Manitoba Health number. Please keep your bracelet on at all times while you are a patient in the hospital.

You may also wear a colour-coded wristband. A red wristband indicates an allergy.

Respectful Environment

Seven Oaks Hospital endeavours to provide a safe and secure environment for all staff, patients, families and visitors. Abusive, aggressive or violent behavior will not be tolerated. Security staff may be notified and asked to assist with any inappropriate behavior.

Smoke Free

Smoking is not permitted in Seven Oaks Hospital or anywhere on the hospital grounds. Smokers can be fined under the City of Winnipeg Outdoor Smoking By-law if found smoking on hospital property. Patients who smoke should tell their health care team so they can identify nicotine replacement therapy (patch, gum, etc.) options.

Staff Identification Badges

At Seven Oaks Hospital, all staff members are required to wear standardized hospital identification badges, which include the logo and the staff members name, photograph and title. Caregivers at Seven Oaks Hospital will introduce themselves prior to providing a service to patients.

If a particular staff member is new or unfamiliar, please ask who they are.