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Rehabilitation Geriatric Services

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Rehabilitation/Geriatric Program offers services at several Winnipeg hospital sites including Seven Oaks General Hospital, as well as several community community-based program within the Winnipeg Region.

Seven Oaks has Rehab/Geriatric in-patient units are located on Level  4 where inter-disciplinary teams focus on returning patients to the highest possible level of function.

Intake for the program is through a doctor’s consult with a Rehab clinician who assesses the patient for appropriateness for the rehab/geriatric program and if accepted places them on a central wait list.  Patients are admitted to Seven Oaks from the wait list based on suitability with current patient mix and bed availability.

Among the different disciplines involved in the program are specialists and generalists in both rehabilitation and geriatric care from medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, speech language pathology and audiology, rehabilitation assistants, social workers, clinical dietitians and pharmacists.

Day Hospital

Seven Oaks Geriatric Day Hospital is an extension of in-patient services to support patients in the community.  Patients being discharged from hospital or who are in the community can be referred if they are assessed as someone who can benefit from a four to six week rehab therapy program.

If accepted, patients are placed on a central wait list for the Winnipeg region and placed according to their needs and program availability.

Patients attend Day Hospital on a weekly basis with transportation to and from Seven Oaks provided by the Day Hospital Program.