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Maps & Directions

2300 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 3M3 •  204-632-7133

The Entrance at Leila Ave. provides access to the main floor of the hospital known as Level 2. This is where most administrative, and out patient services are located. For Urgent Care, use the McPhillips St. entrance.

  • In patient Rooms are in the patient tower (Levels 3-5) accessible by the visitor elevators near the main entrance (Leila).
  • An Information Desk is nearby if you need directions or need to inquire about a patient.

You can also ask Volunteer Ambassadors (in red vests) or any staff member (wearing ID tag) for directions.

Main Level (2) Map



Winnipeg Transit buses #17 and #77 stop in front of the hospital on Leila, the #71 stops on McPhillips and Court behind the hospital and the #18 stops on McPhillips at Leila.

Call 204-986-5700 or visit Winnipeg Transit for routes and times.