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Shift Swap Request

When you press Submit Request at the bottom of this page, a copy of this form (in email and PDF format) will automatically be sent to yourself AND the person you are swapping with..

Follow up with the person you are swapping with. They need to forward the PDF copy of the request (via email) to [email protected]. Request that they copy you on the email.

The Program Assistant will then review the Swap Request.

  • If approved you’ll both (you and the person you’re swapping with) receive an email stating that your Swap Request was Approved.
  • If denied, you’ll both get an email stating Denied.

Shift Swap Request

Your Name
(Initiator/requestor of Shift Swap)
(VERY important – you can’t swap without this!)
(best number to reach you at)
(select one)
(select one)
(select one)
(Date of your original shift. Night shift is the last shift of the day. Example: If you are working nights starting at 23:30 on March 23, 2017, you would choose March 23, 2017 as the date.)
DD dash MM dash YYYY
Length of Shift
(select one)
Including On Call?

Person who you're swapping with

This cannot be a casual employee.
Their Name
(Name of person you’re swapping shifts with)
(VERY important – you can’t swap without this!)
(best one to reach them at)
(select one)
(select one)
(select one)
(Date of their original shift)
DD dash MM dash YYYY
Length of their Shift
(select one)
Including their On Call?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Complaints Process

Seven Oaks General Hospital works to resolve all concerns and complaints for the patient and family with the concerns and to improve for the future:

  1. E-mail, telephone calls  and letters will be acknowledged within 2 business days.
  2. If the person with the complaint is not the patient, we must get consent from the patient to discuss their case. In situations involving those incapable of giving consent, consent to release information must be obtained from the appropriate person.
  3. We review the case based on the information provided. This review may include some or all of the following:
  • Contacting the care providers who were involved in providing care
  • Contacting managers, department chiefs or other supervisors
  • Reviewing the medical chart of the patient
  • Contacting other relevant departments, i.e. Finance, Dietary, Diagnostic Imaging
  1. We will contact you with the results of our review as soon as possible. More complex matters may take time; however we will provide regular updates on the review and the status of your complaint.

Fill out the form below if you wish to voice concerns or field a complaint.

Concerns Form

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
If possible, include a number you can be reached at during the day. Include extension if applicable.
Would you like us to contact you for further discussion?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Well Wishes for Patients

The Well Wishes Program at Seven Oaks General Hospital provides an opportunity for patients to receive special thoughts and best wishes from family and friends.

How it Works

Seven Oaks Hospital Volunteers deliver “Well Wishes” to patients on a daily basis (excluding weekends and holidays). The messages are delivered with care and some times read to the patients by volunteers, so remember the message isn’t completely private.

Submit the information below and our volunteers will receive the printed e-mail and hand deliver it to the patient. The system is designed for well wishes only. We cannot send outgoing replies from patients. E-mails intended to conduct personal business, containing questionable content or business/vendor solicitations will be deleted from the system. Send your love through the Seven Oaks General Hospital “Well Wishes” program, and let your loved one know you are thinking about them.

Well Wishes

"*" indicates required fields

To (Patient's Name):*

From (Your Name):*

Your personal message goes here.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Tell Us How We are Doing

Patient Advice, Questions or Concerns

Seven Oaks Hospital encourages patients and families to ask questions, voice concerns, complaints, and suggestions for improvements and to compliment staff at any time.

Resolving Problems

If you encounter problems with your care please try to resolve with the care team directly. If you can’t resolve the problem or don’t feel comfortable discussing with staff, ask to speak with the manager (also known as the Patient Care Team Manager) for your Unit. During evenings and weekends, a Facility Patient Care Manager for the hospital is available and can be reached until midnight daily. Contact the switchboard at 204-632-7133.

When we are made aware of problems, we most often are able to resolve them. This helps improve the service provided to patients. We assure you that your concern or complaint will have no impact on the care provided to you or your loved one.

The hospital employs a Patient Relations Consultant who can support patients and families to bring concerns forward and help to:

  • Answer your questions about Seven Oaks and your healthcare.
  • Listen to your suggestions for service improvement.
  • Provide information on Seven Oaks services.
  • Guide and support you through the formal complaints process
  • Help the organization learn from our patient’s experiences and comments.

Email Patient Relations Consultant or call at 204-632-3160.

Email Compliments

Email compliments are always welcome, too, or you can say “thank you” in a special way to the healthcare professionals who made a difference in your life through Seven Oaks General Hospital Foundation Gifts of Gratitude Program.

Fill out the form below to ask questions, voice concerns, complaints, suggestions for improvements, or to compliment staff.

Tell Us How We Are Doing

"*" indicates required fields

Your Name*
If possible, include a number you can be reached at during the day. Include extension if applicable.
Would you like us to contact you for further discussion?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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Contact Us

2300 McPhillips Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 3M3 •  204-632-7133

Submissions to this contact form are monitored week days between 8am- 4pm and will be answered accordingly.

Have an urgent inquiry? The best way to contact us is by calling our switchboard at 204-632-7133 which can connect you with all departments.

Trying to find a patient? Please call our patient inquiry line at 204-632-3224.

Medical/Legal Health Records request? Please fax to 204-697-2048.

To ensure your submission is accepted, please avoid using any special characters in the form below, such as: ! ‘ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ?, etc.

Full Name
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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