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Patient Services


An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is located on the main floor near the public elevators.

Free Wi-Fi

Thanks to the support of Seven Oaks General Foundation, free Wi-Fi access has been extended to the entire Seven Oaks Hospital including patient rooms. While in the hospital you should be able to log on to MTS Wi-Fi Hotspot with a smart phone or other Wi-Fi enabled device the same as in a cafe, airport or other public building offering the free service.

Hairdresser Services

A licensed hair stylist is available on Mondays. There are a variety of services available.

Appointments are made by calling the Salon at 204-632-3445.

Health and Wellness

After your discharge, the Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks Hospital provides many programs and services to help you with your recovery. Programs include cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation, weight management, diabetes management and the Get Better Together (a self management program for any chronic condition).

Call 204-632-3900 or check online for more information and a listing of programs and education classes that will help you back to health, manage a chronic condition or for support for a healthy lifestyle change.

Healthcare Interpreter Service

Free and confidential interpreter services are available for patients and families who have difficulty understanding medical or other information in English. If you or your family would like to utilize this service, please inform the nursing staff when you are admitted so an appointment can be arranged.

Indigenous Health Services

Indigenous Health Services are available on site at the hospital. To access these services please call the central intake line at 204-926-7151 or ask your unit nurse to speak to an on-site representative.

Mail Services

Volunteers deliver mail directly to patient rooms. Family and friends can also send “Well Wishes” (email) to a patient. The “Well Wish” will be delivered to the patient by a volunteer.


Public parking is available in the Visitor Parking Lots in front of the hospital. Payment for hourly, daily and monthly is made at the parking machines in the front entrance.

We offer a discounted parking pass for our Dialysis patients, available in our Finance Office, for $25/month.

Pharmacy and Gift Shop

Taché Pharmacy is located in the main entrance atrium next to the medical clinic. The Gift Shop is co-located with the pharmacy for your convenience.

Spiritual Care Services

We recognize the importance of spiritual care in providing holistic care for our patients Spiritual Care Services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet with patients and family members. Spiritual Care Services include spiritual, religious, sacramental and emotional care. Ask your nurse if you would like this service. The Sanctuary, located on the main level by the public elevator, is open daily for quiet reflection and meditation.

The Sanctuary is available for all faiths and religions. Worship Services are held regularly. Look for posted times in the main elevators.

Telephone Services

Patient phones are provided at no charge for local calls. Dial 7 to get an outside line. Long distance calls cannot be charged to your room.


Patient TV Rental services are provided by LOC Medical and can be purchased 24/7. To rent, turn the TV on and select “Rent Bedside TV”. Then select your preferred rental package and follow the prompts for payment options.

Services can also be ordered online by visiting and selecting Seven Oaks General Hospital and following the prompts for payment or by calling 1-800-263-1113.

For service-related issues please contact LOC Medical at 1-800-263-1113 and follow the prompts or by email at [email protected]